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per me

  • 1 per se

    1. अपने आप में
    The drug is not harmful per se but is dangerous when taken with alcohol.

    English-Hindi dictionary > per se

  • 2 per

    से, कारण से, द्वारा

    English-Hindi new dictionary > per

  • 3 per capita

    1. प्रतिव्यक्ति
    Per capita tax rises sharply every year.
    1. प्रतिव्यक्ति
    Per capita tax rises sharply every year.

    English-Hindi dictionary > per capita

  • 4 per cent

    प्रति सैकड़ों में एक भाग
    She scored 90 per cent marks in science.
    1. प्रति सैकड़ों में एक भाग
    She works 20 per cent harder than any other worker.

    English-Hindi dictionary > per cent

  • 5 per annum

    Swati took a loan of Rs.16,000 from the bank at the rate of 10% per annum.

    English-Hindi dictionary > per annum

  • 6 average

    1. औसत
    Indian team needs an average of 6 runs per over.
    भारतीय टीम को औसत 6 रन प्रति ओवर की आवश्यकता है.
    1. औसत
    This car has an average 40 miles an hour.
    इस गाड़ी का 40 मील प्रति घंटा औसत है.
    1. औसत\averageनिकालना
    Meals average out at about Rs.10/- per head.
    खाने का 1.रुपये प्रति व्यक्ति का औसत निकलता है.

    English-Hindi dictionary > average

  • 7 cycle

    1. चक्र
    Monsoon depends on the cycle of the seasons
    2. समयचक्र
    Operate at the speed of 60 cycles per second
    He bought a cycle recently
    1. साइकिल\cycleचलाना
    The boy cycled along the road

    English-Hindi dictionary > cycle

  • 8 do

    1. करना
    How is she doing in her new job?
    We could do with a little more help around here
    This car does 150 miles per hour

    English-Hindi dictionary > do

  • 9 flextime

    1. निश्चित समय न होना
    The company allows its employees to work flexitime but insists that they work for a minimum number of hours per week.

    English-Hindi dictionary > flextime

  • 10 knot

    1. गाँठ
    She is having number of knots in her ribbon.
    His stomach was in knots.
    Their muscles stood out in knots.
    2. समुद्री\knotमील
    Ship is moving at the speed of 30 knots per hour.
    3. समूह
    A small knot of women listened to his sermon.
    1. गाँठ\knotलगना
    Tie a knot to the string.
    2. बाँधना
    Knot the strings tightly to one another.
    3. उलझाना
    The strange question had him all in knots.

    English-Hindi dictionary > knot

  • 11 kph

    Abbr:Kilometres per hour
    1. किलोमीटर प्रति घंटा
    Kph is a unit of speed.

    English-Hindi dictionary > kph

  • 12 mph

    Abbr:mile per hour
    1. मील प्रति घंटा
    Mph is used to show the speed of a motor vehicle.

    English-Hindi dictionary > mph

  • 13 output

    1. उत्पादन
    The output of Bajaj is 200 vehicles per day.
    2. प्रक्षेपण
    That bulb has an output of 200 watts.
    1. प्रक्षेपण करना
    The computer can output uncountable bytes of information in a second.

    English-Hindi dictionary > output

  • 14 proprietor

    1. स्वामी
    The proprietor holds the records of the profit and loss per annum of his business.

    English-Hindi dictionary > proprietor

  • 15 raise

    1. ऊपर\raiseउठाना
    Please don't raise a cloud of dust.
    2. खड़ा\raiseकरना
    Go and raise a fallen child.
    3. वृद्धि\raiseकरना\raise/बढ़ाना
    She raised her offer to Rs.3000.
    4. एकत्र\raiseकरना
    Why don't you raise funds for charity.
    5. उत्पन्न\raiseकरना
    She told us all her jokes,but she couldn't even raise a smile.
    6. बड़ा\raiseकरना
    My parents died when I was young so I was raised by my aunt.
    7. घृणा\raiseप्रकट\raiseकरना
    There were many raised eyebrows when people saw him handcuffed.
    8. प्रसन्न\raiseहोना
    My victory in the final raised my spirits.
    9. विरोध\raiseकरना
    The opposition raised its voice against the women's bill.
    raise (US=rise)
    1. बढ़ोतरी
    Should I ask my boss for a rise/raise?,a five per cent pay rise/raise.

    English-Hindi dictionary > raise

  • 16 skivvy

    1. नौकरानी
    For keping a skivvy, we have to pay 500/- per month.

    English-Hindi dictionary > skivvy

  • 17 speedometer

    1. चालमापी
    Speedometer showed 60 miles per hour when we were sailing across Atlantic ocean.

    English-Hindi dictionary > speedometer

  • 18 station

    1. स्टेशन
    Ambala is the next station.
    2. केन्द्र
    NDTV is the best TV station as per my views.
    1. स्थित\stationहोना
    My brother's regiment is stationed at Manali.

    English-Hindi dictionary > station

  • 19 statute

    1. कानून
    Under the statute of partnership act, in absence of dead partners will share profits & loss equally.
    2. नियम
    As per ISCI statute, foundation course is not required for those who are graduate.

    English-Hindi dictionary > statute

См. также в других словарях:

  • per — per·acetic; per·acid; per·act; per·acute; per·alkaline; per·aluminous; per·am·bu·lant; per·am·bu·late; per·am·bu·la·tion; per·am·bu·la·tor; per·am·bu·la·to·ry; per·a·na·kan; per·bend; per·borate; per·bromide; Per·bu·nan; per·ca; per·cale;… …   English syllables

  • per — pér prep. FO 1a. introduce determinazioni di spazio, spec. di moto per luogo, o indica un movimento entro uno spazio circoscritto; anche fig.: il treno passerà per Bologna, ho passeggiato a lungo per il parco, ha vagabondato tutto il giorno per… …   Dizionario italiano

  • Per — ist ein skandinavischer männlicher Vorname[1], abgeleitet vom griechischen Namen Petros (deutsch Peter). Weiteres zu Herkunft und Bedeutung des Namens siehe hier. Andere Formen des Namens sind Pär und Peer. Namensträger Per Ahlmark (* 1939),… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • per-2 —     per 2     English meaning: to go over; over     Deutsche Übersetzung: “das Hinausfũhren about”     Material: A. Dient as preposition, preverb and Adverb: a. per, peri (locative of Wurzelnomens) “vorwärts, in Hinausgehen, Hinũbergehen about …   Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary

  • per se — 1 /pər sā, ˌper ; pər sē/ adv [Latin, by, of, or in itself] 1: inherently, strictly, or by operation of statute, constitutional provision or doctrine, or case law the transaction was illegal per se see also negligence per se at negligence; …   Law dictionary

  • per — /per/ prep. [lat. per ]. 1. [per indicare attraversamento di un luogo (compl. di moto per luogo): l aria penetra p. le fessure ; il corteo passerà per via Nazionale ] ▶◀ attraverso, da, in, lungo. 2. [per indicare il luogo entro il quale avviene… …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • per- — ♦ Préfixe exprimant un excès de la quantité normale d un élément dans un composé chimique : peracide, peroxyde, persulfate, etc. per CHIM Préfixe qui servait à désigner les composés au degré d oxydation le plus élevé ou contenant le plus d… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • per — [pə, pɜː ǁ pər, pɜːr] preposition 1. for each: • an average beef cattle price of $74.20 per hundred pounds • The price tag is $1500 per square foot of retail space. • Earnings per share rose 12% to 31.3 pence. • The Japanese have in recent years… …   Financial and business terms

  • per — W1S3 [pə strong pə: $ pər strong pə:r] prep [Date: 1300 1400; : Latin; Origin: through, by ] 1.) per hour/day/week etc during each hour etc ▪ The park attracts 4 million visitors per year. miles/kilometres per hour (=used for measuring speed) ▪ a …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Per — Per, prep. [L. Cf. {Far}, {For }, {Pardon}, and cf. {Par}, prep.] Through; by means of; through the agency of; by; for; for each; as, per annum; per capita, by heads, or according to individuals; per curiam, by the court; per se, by itself, of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • per — prep. (Termen comercial folosit în legătură cu preţul unei mărfi raportat la o unitate de măsură) Pentru, de fiecare. – Din it., germ. per. Trimis de ana zecheru, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98  PER prep. (termen comercial; instrumental modal) pe,… …   Dicționar Român

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